Do you lock up?
Crystalina wrote: I just saw a pic on and the door had like 4 locks on it! I was just wondering if you guys lock your door and if so how many locks you have. I never lock my door. Actually, when we bought the house the previouse owners never did either and when they left us the keys we noticed that the keys they gave us went to the garage and barn...none for the house. lol The barn is more important around here. lol The area I'm in is far from a high crime area (you may get a cow tipper once in awhile ). Maybe I'm too trusting. I also always leave my keys in my ignition when I'm home (if I don't I lose them in the house!). When I go into a store I take them out but there has been times when I get into the car and start digging in my purse for my keys and they are still in the ignition. I'm more careful in town just because I'm in town.
J-rod replied: yes. one door knob lock and one dead bolt. just force of habit now.
luvbug00 replied: 1 lock one deadbold. we use them ALL the time.
Simplebeliever replied: I live in an apartment near a high crime area in a high crime city. So I lock my doors even when I am home. I have 4 locks on my front door (3 dead bolt, 1 regular) and 5 on my back door (3 dead bolt, 1 regular, and one that pulls down and locks into the floor - it's weird). We don't keep anything out on our porch. Even if it was just a news paper out there, it'd get stolen.
1lilpeanut2love replied: Yep of course! We have one regular lock and one dead bolt lock and occasionally lock the screen door. We lock them both at night. We use the regular lock during the day and when we leave.
hoosier momma replied: We used to only lock the regular door lock, but our house was broken into last year . So now we always lock the deadbolts and all of the windows.
gr33n3y3z replied: In the winter not during the day but at night yes we have a door knob lock and a dead bolt which no one is getting threw and a metal door and one small window on it lol
Calimama replied: When my hubby is home, I dont worry too much, but both locks are secured. Personally I wouldnt break into a Marine's home.. he can get quite scary.
Our Lil' Family replied: The front door is always knob and deadbolt locked. If the garage is closed I probably wont have that door locked but it will be if it's open and overnight.
CantWait replied: If I'm just going for a walk, or taking Anthony to the park I rarely lock the door. If I'm going to the store then I do. When I'm inside the house I have to have the top locks on because Anthony likes to sneak out.
Boo&BugsMom replied: All the time, at night and whenever we are not home. You can't be too safe around here. It's not crime ridden, but it's not exactly Sesame Street either. We have one lock on each and we are working on installing our dead bolts.
amynicole21 replied: We are majorly paranoid Two locks on the front door locked at all times -garage entrance locked even when the garage door is closed. AND the alarm is on any time we are asleep or leaving the house. We even have locks on all of the windows and alarms in each room that sense if glass breaks. All alarms are monitored by the security company.
We just went to visit my Dad and they never lock the door. Neither DH or I could sleep until we locked the door to the room we were sleeping in
hawkshoe replied: I always lock the door even when I am home. We have a regular lock and a deadbolt. I also lock my car doors even if it is just in the driveway.
My dad lives in a small town where everyone knows each other and no one locks the doors. One night he came home to find some guy sleeping in his foyer. Turns out the guy was drunk and went into the wrong house and passed out. Since then my dad has locked the door.
sparkys2boys replied:
I live in a very safe city, but I still keep the doors locked at night and if I am home alone with the kids. If the DH is home I am not so worried about it. There was a rash of day time break ins last summer, people would be in there own yards and these kids were sneaking in the door that was not near them and stealing petty little things as a dare with there friends. Sad, but true.
Donna027 replied: Oh of coarse! We have one door knob lock and one dead bolt. Even though we live in an overall good area you can never be to careful
C&K*s Mommie replied: I always keep the doors locked. We have a security door and the main door. If the front door is closed, it is locked. If it is nice out, and I leave the main door open I keep the security door locked.
holley79 replied: Yes we lock the doors to our home and to our vehicles. We have a knob lock and a dead bolt.
ZandersMama replied: Ours are always locked, i'm home alone with Zander alot and there are some WEIRD people in my town
MyBlueEyedBabies replied: I do the front
My parents rarely lock their doors so I could get in whenver I wanted keys or not and dh really hated it that I left home with that habit. I have to keep handle locks on our doors because katy can unlock them ao it is typically much easier to get in my house rather than out
BAC'sMom replied: nope never
Crystalina replied:
Well, if that happend here there's a 95% chance we would know him and we'd just kick him in the butt and send him home.
I'm surrounded my State Troopers (5 actually) and 2 sheriff deputys. We live in "Lawville". Maybe I have a false sense of security but I don't think anyone is going to mess around here.
Sarah&Mackenzie replied: We lock the doors at night before bed, but they are unlocked all day.
MyBrownEyedBoy replied: Absolutely without fail. Aaron's a different story. He grew up out in the country in a town of 3000. He's constantly leaving doors unlocked. It drives me nuts.
Hillbilly Housewife replied: Yes. Absolutely. I could never forgive myself if anything ever happened just because I didn't lock the door. Not only do we have a deadbolt, we have a chain in the front door, and as for the patio door and ALL the windows, they have a piece of wood that holds the window shut. You have to take the piece of wood out in order to be able to slide the window open.
Can't be too careful.