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Do you believe in Psychics?

Halo42101 wrote: Talking about the new T.V. show, Haunting Evidence, made me think of this poll. Do you believe in Psychics and if so have you had an experience with one or are you one yourself? I have predicted a lot of things in the past and a lot of my family is convinced that I am.

luvmykids replied: No, and I'll leave it at that! cool.gif

Halo42101 replied: Wow! I see that only 1 voted and it's at a wopping 100% already. emlaugh.gif

mckayleesmom replied: Not really, but I like watching them... laugh.gif

I use to until my husband told me about a show he watched that told how they get people to believe them...They ask questions that can be more then a yes or no answer and kind of let the people fill in the blanks. I watch them now and I can totally see how that makes sense.

For example....Silivia Brown on Montel

Person in the audience asks if any of his loved ones are watching over him. Silvia says she senses a heavy set lady. The person in the audience says he doesn't have any heavy set family members. Silivia says it is a family member or SOMEBODY THAT WAS LIKE A FAMILY MEMBER (she makes the range bigger...kwim?)....The Audience member says "I did have a heavy set neighbor lady that babysat me when I was little......Silvia "well then thats her".

They do things to suggest and broaden the people they are talking about.

gr33n3y3z replied: Nope
I say no more lol
I'm not saying it cant happen but Naaaaa

mckayleesmom replied: Also.....I don't think their is anything wrong with believing or being a psychic.....If that is what a person needs to feel comforted ...then so be it...Kwim?

Halo42101 replied: I see what you mean, Brianne. I just thought it would be a fun poll. I am not claiming I am a psychic by no means but because of different things I have predicted in the past, some think I am. KWIM? Then there is the subject of a prophetic gift, which is a totally diff. subject but it's just all so interesting to me.

kimberley replied: i believe some people have a sixth sense but oftentimes they are NOT the ones with the blinking "psychic" sign in their window rolleyes.gif. a close friend of my grandmother could tell you things about yourself that only you know. so i think it is possible, just not all those that claim to be.

A&A'smommy replied: I don't really believe it them but i love to go on "ghost hunting" like ride by haunted places just to see if you can see anything. I wont even tell you have the placea I have been just for the thrill and we really just like to see if the ghost stories are true. Anyway thats me

dolfinrse replied: I did not really believe until a few years ago before I was even pg w/ Zack. We had been ttc for a few months w/ no success. My dr. did an u/s and suggested a procedure like a d&C just to make sure everything was ok. The day after the procedure I went to the psychic. She said she saw that "I was in the hospital yesterday and whatever they did, they fixed my problem." She didn't know anything about my problem. A month later, I was pg. with Zack.

Also, when we were ttc we had discussed what the names would be when it did happen. I had wanted the middle name to be Rose b/c that is my middle name and my mom's and grandma's name. No one else was in the car when we discussed this. The same psychic told me that she saw my great-grandma over my shoulder and my great-grandma told her to tell me to "continue the procession of the roses". That freaked me out!!

That is my latest experience w/ a psychic!

C&K*s Mommie replied: No. I believe some people use the gift of sixth sense more often than others, like we all have but we do not always use it. But no, to the belief in psychics.

Nina J replied: I believe in some, but not others. I think Allison DuBois is very believable, I do think she has those sort of gifts.

Some people claim to be psychic, but really, they just say you're going to get married in 5 years. They want money.

I think some people, like Allison DuBois, are psychic's, and I believe other people just have a very strong sixth sense.

MyLuvBugs replied: I definately believe in some, but there's alot of quacks out there too. It's hard to tell sometimes who actually has "the gift" and who is just making it all up. rolleyes.gif

BAC'sMom replied: I think some people have a 6th sense, that's about it. blink.gif

~Lynda~ replied: I believe that the majority of psychics are scam artists but I do believe in the power of ESP. I think everyone has the ability but we don't know how to tap into it. I have had dreams that have come true but that's about all the experience I have. I've never been to or even met a so called psychic.

TheOaf66 replied: nope, lucky guesses

Boo&BugsMom replied:
Ditto. Intuition, yes. Psychics, no.

Kaitlin'smom replied: VERY few have the real thing, most are fakes. I have had prediction dreams that came true, I had them quite often as a teen and not so many now. I have met one true psychic he knew things about me NO one there knew. I was at a convetion DH was with me and 2 friend NONE of them knew these thing from my childhood. Was kinda scary but I wish I could see him again.

I has a reading by one at a baby shower (dont ask) it was a total joke. my eldest sister thinks she is, her MIL claims to be, and they are 'teaching' my niece to be laugh.gif sorry you dont learn it.

Halo42101 replied: I liked seeing all your replies and your opinions based on it. I myself have predicted deaths and the exact time it happened when I was not there. I have predicted a few pregnancies as well or when someone in particular would call and right before they would too. That totally freaked my brother out once when I said our Meme was calling. He said, no, she's not. Then she did and it wasn't too often she called. He claimed I was a psychic then. laugh.gif

paradisemommy replied: i had my tarot cards read one time through a friend of a friend - she didn't do it for money - only did it for friends and her payment was doing something nice for her - flowers and we cooked her dinner - she was right on the money and freaked me out so bad that it scared me to death - i refuse to go to another ever..

i am the biggest skeptic ever - i went in there not telling her anything at all - so these things were not "guesses" as some have said..

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