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Dana's TTC thread - in order to save space

Danalana wrote: I'm just going to have one thread that I post in from now on...I think about new things all the time, and I don't want to have to make a new thread every time. SOOO, this is my official thread.
Honestly, in my world pregnancy just seems like a far-away concept. Well, I actually had a positive pregnancy test once...that didn't last.
I'm 8 dpo now, so I should know in a little over a week.
I've been feeling a little nauseous for the last few days, but I DON'T want to assume that it means anything. I've done enough imagining and assuming. I wish I was one of those people who could just not even realize they were late until they were like a week late...and then, TA-DA! they're pregnant *sigh*
Maybe this time.

Miranda1127 replied: biggrin.gif good luck and baby vibes to you

StephanieM replied: I'm sorry you are having problems TTC. I'm new here so sorry if I'm being nosy but how long have you been TTC? I know it must be hard, my SIL has been TTC too. What type of fertility problems do you have (if you don't mind my asking)? What are you doing to get pg?

Like I said, sorry if I'm being too nosy. I'm new and I don't know much about what's going on here.

Good luck to you.

Danalana replied: The only problem we seem to have is that we aren't getting pregnant. My doctor said I look great, and the one pregnancy proves that we can. It took 3 years for one of my friends and her husband to get pregnant, and they were told they were both healthy. After their first, they had another pretty close behind. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense. I guess we have tried a little over a year. There were a few times when intercourse didn't happen around ovulation, so that's what I'm guessing.

Danalana replied: Well, something weird happened. I have 2 pimples on my face. I NEVER get pimples, except sometimes one that is under the skin right before my period. But these 2 are on top, which is strange. I've just never gotten them. I know that can be a sign of pregnancy. why do I do this to myself?

hopefulmomtobe replied: Pimples can also be a sign of a period coming on or from a different food you ate, not to disappoint of course but dont want you to get too excited and then be let down either.

Don't worry though - I have a plan and you will have to follow it!!!! Oh, your hubby too of course!!! smile.gif I will post what to do and you do it...if it works....I win!!! It will mean that I got you pregnant!!! hee hee BUT - I have to do some research and look at your BBT chart to get a feel for how your body ovulates. (see, I am your personal doctor...I am your loooovveee doctor) wub.gif

Danalana replied: laugh.gif Oh dear.
And I know pimples can mean a period, but I usually never get them this early. And I usually can't see them. But I know it doesn't mean anything, and I don't wanna set myself up for disappointment either--I've definitely had enough of that. But it is strange for me.

hopefulmomtobe replied: oh darn, I cant see your BBT chart!!! Are you able to repost the link to it?

Danalana replied: It's being stupid, so i can't. I will try later....I don't know what the problem is. I posted the link of the page where it is; I double-checked!

Danalana replied: I'm sorry for anything I said that was offensive.
I probably won't be posting in here much for a while...maybe I don't know enough about this place to do that right now.

hopefulmomtobe replied:
Sorry - I am confused...I think I must have missed something. (I mean, I am blonde and all) he he But - you didnt say anything to offend me for that what you mean???? Honey - I'm not offended...I am just trying to help out a sista in need!!! rolling_smile.gif I want this baby for you as much as you do now!!! I am on a mission to help!!!! rolling_smile.gif

Danalana replied: Hehe, no, it wasn't you....thank you for being ona mission to get me pregnant laugh.gif
It's been cleared up smile.gif I think I just don't know what things to NOT say yet.

Kaitlin'smom replied: I hope it happens for you and soon

Danalana replied: Thank you! I ovulated on day 13 and i am 10 dpo...I should know something in the next few days. I still have a left-over pregnancy test here, so I am going to try not to use it until i'm on at least CD 30...i'm on day 23 right now.

Danalana replied: Not only am I not pregnant as I thought, I started a day or 2 EARLY. sad.gif sad.gif sad.gif
I hate all of this.
Something is seriously wrong with me. I've been queasy off and on for the last few days--not bad, and I never threw up....but that's not normal for me. And will my boobs ever NOT be sore again? They've been sore since February.
So, to say that I'm upset is a huge understatement.

lisar replied:
hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: I have to leave for work in 45 minutes, and I can't stop crying bawling.gif bawling.gif bawling.gif
Why can't I do it? Why can't I get pregnant?
I feel sooooo empty.

moped replied: hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

boyohboyohboy replied: I am so sorry if I am way out of line here, but have you considered starting over with a new OB/GYN? I mean if you really want to do this, why is the dr not helping more?
Have you and your husband been tested? my GF is going thru this right now, and has been trying for one yr. and her OB has had her and her husband tested, and has been doing all kinds of things with her, and they are in constant contact. I just feel like you need more medical support.
Its so hard to watch you go thru this month after month. I pray it happens for you soon. I can feel your pain when you write.
good luck.

hopefulmomtobe replied: Well - here are a few tips that I have read so far....

Quit smoking, drinking and drugs
Cut down on Caffeine
Get your weight in check
Mind Control
Buy something sexy
Positioning yourself
Increase the Odds
And finally “Ask your partner to chuck all briefs and opt for boxers
instead for a healthy sperm count. Also, having sex in the morning
would help since the semen has the highest number of sperm then.”

I found that online...I am assuming the "increase the odds" means to do it more often. I was told by my OB to start BD 7-10 days after you have your period and then every other day for a week in a half. I know your not all that fond of sex, but this is for a good cause. smile.gif

Give it a try...or do you already BD that often during the prime time?

Danalana replied: I will contact my OB/GYN, but I haven't because she said we were fine.
I have done a lot of things on that list. Caffeine is the one that is probably the biggest factor, but I can cut that down...I've done it many times. We got pregnant right after we switched Richard to boxers, so that's not it. I don't drink, do drugs, or any of that stuff...he doesn't either. Sex in the morning is a tough one. I can't fathom doing it when we can see each other. I know that sounds terrible, but it's already so hard for me. We'll see...
Thanks for the suggestions, yall.

Nina J replied: hug.gif In the morning, so you can't see each other, you could shut the blinds and make the room dark? Other than the previous advice, the only thing I can say is just try to do the deed as much as you can.

Good luck hug.gif hug.gif It will happen!

Danalana replied: I read that taking Mucinex twice a day helps you produce more cervical mucus, so I bought some and started taking it tonight. I hope it makes a difference.

melanie_craig replied: have you noticed a difference yt?

Danalana replied: I think so...a little...but I just finished my period, so it's hard to tell. My friend, who is a pharmacist, told me it helps though. I'm really really hoping it happens this time...

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
hug.gif I'm sorry. I know that I've had a lot of times when I wanted to be pregnant so bad that I got every symptom in the book, but I wasn't pg. Your mind can do tricky things to your body! hug.gif I'll be praying for you - I hope you get pg soon! hug.gif hug.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied:

Dana I read this in Melany's thread but I wanted to put my reply in here so that you'd see it. How long have you been TTC? Just because you've had a chemical pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't anything wrong. It means that you CAN get pg, but there could still be something that is making it hard for you to get pg and hard for you to keep the baby that might be fixable. I'm not saying there is anything wrong, but I think I'd ask your OB again to do some tests to be sure. hug.gif

Danalana replied: We've probably really tried for a year. I told Richard today that we have to have some tests done if we don't get pregnant this time. I'm just hoping it will happen this time.

A&A'smommy replied: For some reason I can't the smily's to work but Just want send you some (((hugs)))

Danalana replied: Yes, I'm always open to hugs...

Nina J replied: hug.gif and baby dust coming your way. At least if you get tests done, you can find out if there is any cause for concern, and if there is, fix it. And if there isn't, it'll be a relief to know that it can (and will) happen hug.gif

StephanieM replied: I'm just gonna butt in here but hug.gif hug.gif to you. I would definitely talk more to you dr and, if you can, maybe get a 2nd opinion. Something similar happened to my SIL; her first dr told her everything was fine, it would just take time. Then she got a couple of different opinions and was given some other things to try. She had cysts and they even tilted her uterus to help with conception. Baby vibes to you. Another thing, and I don't mean to come off harsh or anything, but you really should try not to stress so much. That amount of stress and worry isn't going to help you. I know many people who were TTC and they worried and fretted and got upset with every AF, but once they decided to stop "trying" so hard....bam! it happened for them and they were so shocked. All of them said that if only they had known to just stop stressing, they would have done it ages before. I'm sorry if I offended you or anything, I just thought I'd try to help. Let me know if you don't want it. My DH tells me that I can be kind of brutal sometimes....I don't mean to be though. hug.gif hug.gif and baby dust to you!

Danalana replied: You weren't brutal, and I have actually heard that before. I came across a big article a few weeks ago, though, and it said stress doesn't cause infertility. You get stressed when you don't get pregnant, so maybe that's where people correlate the two. Without going into a lot of detail, I can tell you that I have a lot of problems with sex. So I'm not one of those people who can just do it and relax. Yes, I'm in therapy....well, at least I was until my therapist got too busy. Anyway, that's what I'm working with right now. I think I have progressed some....I used to cry every single time we had sex, but now it's only sometimes. Believe me, it's an improvement. It's not that I don't love my husband--I don't want anybody to think that. It's just something that has to be healed in my heart, and that's gonna take a little while.
Anyway, it's almost time to start trying again. I just hope I'm not sick much longer unsure.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Dana - you don't "have" to have sex to get pregnant. I know that's where a lot of issues are for you two... and I don't mean to be TMI here or too graphic... but just getting some little soldiers in there could do the trick. It doesn't have to be via penetration, if you kwim.

And I would definitley get a second opinion. At the very least, if you'r enot already, ask about Clomid.

Danalana replied: Thanks....I will look into it.
I know we don't have to have sex, but I do love my husband. He never pressures me because he knows it's hard for me. Because he's so understanding, it really makes me want to try for him. I do want him to be happy, you know?
But I will ask about getting checked out if we don't get pregnant this time.

Kaitlin'smom replied: first I want to offer some hug.gif seconds I dont mean to be harsh but no wonder your not getting PG, not only do you have issues with sex but your so stressed about both sex and getting pg that its just not happening. like Rocky said you dont have to DTD to get PG just got to get some of those guys in there at the right time. I dont know the issues you have but if you cant realx and enjoy sex with your DH how do you really expect to get PG? I am sorry its not happing and sounds like maybe if you take a break from tring and heal it might be better when you try again.

hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: I guess I didn't realize you have to be relaxed to get pregnant. Pregnancy sometimes results from rape, and I know that's not a relaxed situation. I do understand what you're getting at, and I hope you believe I've been trying...and I will continue to do that.

Kaitlin'smom replied: hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Sorry hon I know your probably so frustrated, and it sounds like not only need to realx but see out help and make sure there is nothing going on. BTW have you taken test to make sure your not PG you said you BB are sore and that never happens, you never know I did not learn I was PG for months I was nearly 5 months pg before I found out I was PG and believe me not only was that a shock but we were not tring.

hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: Thanks...I thought of that, but I just had my period and a lot of cramping (as usual). My temps are back down, as they always are before ovulation...I doubt I could be pregnant, given these facts. Believe me, it crossed my mind. I just didn't let myself dwell on it, knowing it was highly unlikely.

Kaitlin'smom replied: well I had my AF for the first 3 months its not till I missed month 4 that I realised something was up.

Danalana replied: Did you just bleed or was there cramping too?

Kaitlin'smom replied: never had crapimg issues till after I had my daughter. But yes I bleed just like the reg AF

coasterqueen replied: I agree that you have to be relaxed about it. A past co-worker of mine - her and her husband tried for years to get pregnant only to have several miscarriages. At that time they were just going with the flow and what happened happened. After many miscarriages they went to a specialist who had them both doing things that drove them crazy. They'd have to have sex then immediately get to the doc office where they'd do things (not sure what). He had to use a cup then they would do whatever. YKWIM. They tried it all. They were on the verge of divorce because they were so stressed out 24/7 when they decided to quit trying all together. They even didn't have sex for a few months and just reflected on the other parts of their marriage instead. After a few months hiatus they started having sex again, their marriage was less stressed and VIOLA! she got pregnant unexpectedly. She has a beautiful 5 year old girl now. All that stressing did them no good. Once they stopped they were able to get pg.

Just try not to stress. I know it's hard. hug.gif hug.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Dana, I had my AF with my kids too for the first couple of months. wink.gif

Danalana replied: Did you just bleed, or was there cramping too? see, I have bad cramps with my periods, and I don't see how there could be a fetus after all that. I'd love to believe that's what's going on, but i think it would be a miracle.

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
I know this isn't exactly what you're asking but I had cramping in the beggining of all three of my pregnancies - one of them ended in a m/c but the other two were healthy. hug.gif Some cramping is normal because of the changing going on in the uterus. I don't know about bad cramps though.

Danalana replied: It was bright red blood and bad cramps...when i miscarried, i bled for 12 norm is 4 days. This last one was about 3 1/2. The thing that could not be explained is the low temps. I should have high temps if i'm pregnant.
I called my doctor's office and asked what i need to do to set up testing for us. A nurse is supposed to call me back. Of course, that probably means i will be calling them back tomorrow emlaugh.gif

HuskerMom replied: I don't have any advice or anything, it sounds like you've been through a lot and I just wanted to send hugs. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: Thanks Joni!
My doctor's nurse called and I have an appointment on May 4th. I'm a little nervous, but at least maybe we will be on the road to knowing something.

melanie_craig replied: cool...well i hope its your ticket to a BFP this month...i'm waiting on AF here anyday...shoulda been here today...but that doesnt always mean anything!

melanie_craig replied: oh i see you have MSN...i'm going to add you ok?

Danalana replied: Cool....I added you smile.gif

melanie_craig replied: ack...AF cycle 13 now! boo! i wasnt sure which day to record that AF started cause i was only spotting when i went to bed, so not sure when the red flow started...bah! so i just put today!

Danalana replied: I'm sorry hug.gif It's so frustrating!

Danalana replied: I'm in the 2ww, and it's so hard. I took mucinex and it really did make a huge difference in my cervical mucus. I'm wondering if that wasn't the problem all along. But what if I get to the end and start my period? What then? I don't feel like I can take it, to be honest. But it's amazing what you can take...
I'm trying not to freak out, but that's what I feel like doing. I know I ovulated 3 or 4 days ago, but stupid hasn't detected it yet. I think it's because the rise in BBT was gradual this time, instead of sudden. I know I'm rambling, but I'm upset. I love this board, but sometimes I end up sad, even though I'm happy for the pregnant people. And I LOVE looking at everybody's pictures. I hate being an outsider. Nobody has treated me that way,'s all me.
There's something that's really puzzling me. My boobs are still so sore...they have been for over 2 months. The odd thing is that I never used to have this problem. The most was a little nipple soreness right before my period. But this isn't the nipples and it doesn't go away. I'm wondering if maybe something is wrong with me. Well, I'm going for the blood test on Friday to check hormone levels, etc...maybe I will ask her then.
I guess that's all for now.
Peace out.

hopefulmomtobe replied:
Sounds like you might be onto something here. Anything that makes it easier for the little swimmers is worth a try! smile.gif

Don't get disppointed if it doesnt happen this time, I am sure the doctors will help you find a solution!!! Sounds like you are just need a good game plan in place. smile.gif I think you should take some meds to help out with conceiving....jmo. That way you can move forward with having your family grow, sometimes people just need that little extra kick.

When did you BD? Did you do it every other day before you ovulated and during ovulation?

Danalana replied: We did it 3 days before, 1 day before, and the day of ovulation. I think that pretty much covers the bases, huh? I think there was another, too. We might have done it 4 days before, as well.

Danalana replied: puke.gif That's how I feel right now. I had it for a few minutes yesterday. Don't worry, it's not me trying to convince myself that I'm pregnant. I had a period with major cramps this last time, plus I'm only about 3 or 4 days past ovulation. I just feel so crappy lately.

Danalana replied: Well, tomorrow I get the blood work done unsure.gif

hopefulmomtobe replied: Is it blood work to see if you are pregnant or is it other type of blood work??

Danalana replied: It's to check hormone levels...estrogen, progesterone, etc...I don't know what else we will do. I'm about 5 days past ovulation now, so I should know if I'm pregnant before too long. Even if the egg and sperm are together, I don't think a blood test would show it right now. I don't think it has even had time to implant, and that's when you start producing HCG. Anyway, I hope to know the results today. I'll update when I know.

moped replied: Please keep us posted!

Kaitlin'smom replied: hug.gif let us know how it goes.

hopefulmomtobe replied: I am so glad that you are being proactive and getting all this checked out! That is great!!! Keep us posted for sure!!!! hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: mad.gif I had to be stuck 3 times cause my veins didn't want to give up any blood. They had to move the needle around in all those places and it finally worked. On top of that, I won't have any results until at least wednesday...if then. My doctor's daughter is getting married and she will be out of the office most of next week. *sigh* Life is one big ol' waiting game, isn't it?

PrairieMom replied:
you are closer today to an answer than you were yesterday. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: I know, and that's a good thing. I'm just frustrated, but Im sure i'll get over it wink.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied: hug.gif hug.gif I'm sorry you're frustrated! I hope time goes by quickly for you. Let us know when you get the results! hug.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: hug.gif well I hope your PG now and dont have to worry about those results.

Danalana replied: Me too! Man, I seriously daydream about being pregnant...I dream about it at night sometimes. I just think about it a lot. I wish I could stop thinking about it, believe me; its not fun, especially when everybody and their mothers are pregnant. I'm gonna be the happiest person in the world when I get pregnant!

melanie_craig replied: i had that blood work was no fun at all, but my results came back normal...i hope yours does too dana!

Miranda1127 replied:
I know how you feel, i have floating veins so if i get a un/less experienced nurse i get jabbed like 500 times. ugg. but you get through it.
good luck with it all

hopefulmomtobe replied: Yes Dana...I am still thinking here. smile.gif I am waiting to see what the blood results are and waiting to see if that mucinex worked! smile.gif I am on it though, anyway you can post your fetility friend thing???

Danalana replied: When I get home tonight, I will post my chart from my current cycle. it's on, and I have it saved on my documents. The mucinex definitely made a difference. I feel really good about this. Also, I have been having some creamy CM. It was a little yellow a couple of times, and I read that it happens during doesn't mean i am, but you know. I usually don't get any. I will post that pic tonight, so get ready for it! It won't be til nearly 10, so you might wanna check tomorrow emlaugh.gif

Danalana replied: SO, I couldn't post my chart. It's not an actual site i'm on. I just put it in the info and then i save it to my documents. It looks good though...

Danalana replied: Well, those of you who read the general discussion forum know that i took 2 faintly positive tests today....if it's right, then I'm pregnant redbounce.gif thumb.gif party.gif partysmiley.gif jazzband.gif

moped replied: baby.gif baby.gif baby.gif

hopefulmomtobe replied: Just think - pretty soon you will be on the General Pregnancy complaining like we all are! Ohhh the joys!! rolling_smile.gif

I dont think I will be able to wait until Friday!! Are you for sure going in on Friday?? Tell them to do a blood HCG COUNT, not just a yes or no, but a COUNT. That is important. If you know why already then I wont explain why, but if you dont, let me know and I will explain and it will make sense.

Danalana replied: Oh, if I go, it will be tomorrow. I was talking about taking another test on friday. If I go it will be to my general practitioner...they have a lab. I understand about the counts and why they're important, too. Thanks, Wendy!

hopefulmomtobe replied:
Oh great, wonderful!!! Can't wait to hear the official news from the doctor and can't wait to see your baby ticker!!! smile.gif

Danalana replied: Well, I guess I'm officially abandoning this thread. I'm glad it didn't have to go on any longer smile.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: Wooo Hoo

want me to close it?

Danalana replied: Sure! tongue.gif

Danalana replied: God, how I hate this thread.

Danalana replied: So, we're gonna try again...i have mixed feelings. I know I can't just get pregnant by sitting here, though. It scares the poop out of me that I could go through the pain i have experienced twice already, but I don't know what else to do. I just know i can't keep getting hurt and stuffing it down. That's definitely not working too well for me.

Mommy2BAK replied: hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

MyBabeMaddie replied: Have you called your Dr. maybe you could get them involved and let them know your plans... If you don't like your old OB/GYN find a new one who actually seems to care about you..

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
hug.gif hug.gif Dana I'm sure this is scary for you. Maybe this will be it for you. I have a friend who had two miscarriages before she finally had a healthy pregnancy, and I know it's happened that way for a lot of other people too. I'll be praying that it happens quickly this time and that you get a sticky baby! hug.gif

Danalana replied: Thanks for the support girls...
I can't even describe how it pains me to be back in here bawling.gif

Mommy2BAK replied: I can imagine! I'm sorry, but maybe we won't be having any discussions in here anymore in a few months!

Danalana replied: my friend, whom I got pregnant with, went for her first ultrasound today....everything looks good. While I'm happy for her, I'm extremely sad bawling.gif
She said she will post it on her myspace...

CantWait replied: hug.gif

Danalana replied: I wish I wasn't a girl, sometimes.
I'm feeling ovulation cramps, and it's sickening how much they feel like the beginning of my miscarriage. It's just...BLAH!

Mommy2BAK replied: Aww dana, you poor thing!

Danalana replied: I figure I'm ovulating today or tomorrow. My temps are crazy, but I guess everything is haywire in my body right now. God, please help me to not go insane during all the waiting...

Danalana replied: bawling.gif bawling.gif I'll be glad when all of this is over.

~Roo'sMama~ replied: hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: I can't figure out my temps because I've been waking up too often. You're supposed to have at least 3 or 4 hours of continuous sleep, and I'm not getting that idontknow.gif

DillsMommy replied: hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: From what I can tell...and with Ferility Friend's appears that I ovulated about 3 days ago. I wish there was something I could do to not even think about it. I would love to be one of those people who just happen to notice that they're 2 weeks late for their period, and BOOM...PREGNANT. Why can't I do that?
As I said (or at least I think I did), I'm taking baby aspirin. If there has been a problem with the uterine lining, it helps to make it healthy. It does something else too, but I forget what. I have read about several women who have had the same things happen to them, and they took one baby aspirin each day until they conceived....and it worked. I'm praying for that. Also praying to be okay if it doesn't happen this time. It's so hard to get your period when you want it so bad, but I'm trying to prepare myself.

Danalana replied: From what I can tell...and with Ferility Friend's appears that I ovulated about 3 days ago. I wish there was something I could do to not even think about it. I would love to be one of those people who just happen to notice that they're 2 weeks late for their period, and BOOM...PREGNANT. Why can't I do that?
As I said (or at least I think I did), I'm taking baby aspirin. If there has been a problem with the uterine lining, it helps to make it healthy. It does something else too, but I forget what. I have read about several women who have had the same things happen to them, and they took one baby aspirin each day until they conceived....and it worked. I'm praying for that. Also praying to be okay if it doesn't happen this time. It's terrible to get your period when you want it so bad, but I'm trying to prepare myself.

PrairieMom replied: ooh, don't hate me for this...

have you thought about just taking a break for a few months? your body has been through a lot of stress the past few months and maybe it would be good to let it recuperate a little? You have also been through a ton of emotional stress, and that isn't good for your body either.

Maybe you could find a good OB that will work with you to figure out that is going on, and watch you closely? I think you have enough history with problems to warrant that. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif
I know, not what you want to hear, but I just wanted to throw it out there...

Danalana replied: Thanks, Tara smile.gif

Mommy2Isabella replied: Although I want you to be happy and get your baby. I also agree a little with Tara.

Though your happiness is very important, so is your health, and with your ED I think you need to conquer a lot of those feelings first, because that was one of the hard parts with me when I got PG with Isabella, I had a VERY hard time with gaining so much weight and getting big. So I think you should talk with someone about these things as well, to make your pregnancy very enjoyable smile.gif

HuskerMom replied:
That is so true. I get upset every month when mine starts. I pray that everything will work out for you. hug.gif

Danalana replied: Thank you smile.gif
And thanks to everyone for your input...I appreciate and know that you offer it out of genuine concern.

MyBabeMaddie replied: How are you going to update us on whether or not AF comes if you are gone for a week!?

Danalana replied: emlaugh.gif I don't think it will be time for her yet. I think i will make it back in time.

Danalana replied: I could be pregnant now...this is the 23rd day of my cycle, and I tested positive on the 24th day last time. I guess we'll see. Don't worry, I'm definitely not going to go out and buy a test to take tomorrow. Actually, the idea of a pregnancy test makes my stomach hurt.

luvmykids replied:
I hope I'm not too blunt, but where are you with your ED? Is there a chance that it's related to not getting proper nutrition or enough calories?

I hope I wasn't out of line, and you don't have to answer, I'm just thinking along the lines of Tara and have to take care of yourself before in order to have a healthy pg. hug.gif hug.gif

boyohboyohboy replied: hey dana! how are you doing? keep your chin up, and know that you are thought of often. hug.gif

~Roo'sMama~ replied:
I kwym, when I got pg with Allie after my m/c, I didn't test until the day AF was due, which is really holding out for me. Usually I test way too early if I think there's a possibility I could be pregnant. KUP! hug.gif

Danalana replied: I'm definitely not testing for a while, if at all.
I'm not anorexic. I'm not bulimic. I know I have been unclear about the ED. I have EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified). I don't purge enough to be bulimic, and I don't starve myself often enough to be anorexic. I fall in the middle and right now I'm just struggling with eating every freaking thing in sight. I definitely get enough calories. I do cycle between the 2 sides, if that makes sense. I appreciate the concern and the questions...

BabyOwen427 replied: I know I haven't posted in this thread before but I wanted to give you hugs hug.gif hug.gif cause to be able to get out of bed after two mc's is strength. For me I think I would be bedridden for a month or so after a mc. Kudos to you for getting up and looking at each day as a new opportunity.

And I have to agree with Tara a bit. I was thinking that you should not 'try' to get pg for a while. Cycle two or three times. Go to the spa, focus on you, work on your ED and think more positively about yourself. Go on dates with your hubby (cause when you get pg dates are put aside)(and yes i believe you will get pg someday), be romantic, be physical, find a new thing to love about eachother, and focus on healing. I'm sure if you relax your heart and mind you may just find yourself being one of those who just discover your pg wub.gif

Whatever happens, keep the faith and stay strong hug.gif hug.gif

Danalana replied: Thank you, and I understand what youre saying.
As far as getting out of bed every morning....I don't know...I guess you could say I've kinda had to do it since I was little. I just just do it automatically. I don't feel like it a lot of the time. I wish I was strong enough to tell my husband that I need to take time off work, but I guess I'm not. I mentioned it once and he looked like he didn't understand (Imagine somebody not understanding!! dry.gif ). Ahhhh, anyway, I'm off to work. Thanks for the input ladies...I do appreciate it.

Danalana replied: I bought 2 pregnancy tests today. I don't know when/if I will take one.

Danalana replied: Well, there might be no need. I feel like I'm gonna start. I'm early, but miscarriages have a way of throwing your cycle off, huh? BUT, my temp is still high, so I guess I'm not starting today at least.

indywndy_04 replied: If you do start, don't get discurraged...just think of it as your body cleaning it's self out after all it has been through. Keep taking your mucinex and baby asprin...that seems to be doing good for you!! hug.gif

Thinking of you everyday!!!

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