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DUDE!!! No way!

Danalana wrote: IT'S SNOWING!!!!!!!

I just can't believe it! I woke up Richard, rushed him to the door, and flung it open for him to see laugh.gif There's actually snow on the ground, but not out gravel road....and it's still snowing! This is the first time it has snowed here since we were married in September of 2005 biggrin.gif I feel like a kid at Christmas! Kade will be waking up soon, and I can't wait for him to see!!!! biggrin.gif

Yall probably think I'm nuts, but we don't see snow much in tropical climates laugh.gif

luvmykids replied: Enjoy! thumb.gif

DillsMommy replied: Aww. Isn't it puuuurdy. I bet Kade will love it.

Nina J replied: How cool.

I don't think you're nuts. I have never seen snow in my life. I should say I have never seen it close up, because I did see snow on top of a mountain in Tasmania, but this was from a distance. Like, I was not on the mountain, I was just looking at it. I think I was in Hobart or a town around there, somewhere with a mountain near it, lol.

Crystalina replied:
Pretty much. emlaugh.gif emlaugh.gif

Enjoy the crap. thumb.gif

CantWait replied: It can be nice, and fun, and sometimes pretty.
Enjoy it while it lasts. thumb.gif smile.gif

mom21kid2dogs replied: Awww . . .he'll love it! Honestly, if it's gonna be freezing butt cold, I'd rather it snow! tongue.gif

jcc64 replied: I'll be happy to redirect all the snow we have down your way anytime you want, Dana! rolling_smile.gif

Danalana replied: Thanks, Jeanne!
Before church, I lowered Kade down and let him put his hands in the snow....good thing, cause it was gone when we got out of church sad.gif Oh well, our pastor said it was supposed to do it again tonight...we'll see!

A&A'smommy replied: yeah nasty wet ugly slushy snow rolleyes.gif I was SO annoyed today my best friend laughed at me and I think I ruined some fun for a few people today at church emlaugh.gif blush.gif

ya'll didn't get snow last year when we did??

Celestrina replied:
But we knew that before you started this thread. justjoking.gif

sc_mom2five replied: We are in Spartanburg, SC and we are BLANKETED with snow! I'm actually from the coast of SC so I'm amazed at how much is out there... I've never seen so much fluffy white stuff! biggrin.gif

MoonMama replied: Hehe glad your enjoying it! thumb.gif

Did you get some pics?

sc_mom2five replied: I don't know if the other Dana got pics but this Dana got PLENTY of them and I'm taking more tomorrow when we actually get to play in the stuff! tongue.gif

Danalana replied:, we didn't get snow when yall did last year sad.gif
I did get a couple of pics...I will upload them a little later, but yall are just going to think it's sad laugh.gif

lisar replied: I cant wait to see pics, and by the way you can keep the snow. Its cold enough here in Florida right now.
Saturday it was 85 outside and today it might be 45 YUCK

A&A'smommy replied:
rolling_smile.gif rolling_smile.gif because it was sad. No but really how much did you guys actually get?

Danalana replied: Well, it was pretty pitiful, actually. It was just a light dusting, but BIG to me laugh.gif I seriously felt like a little kid, waking up to see that it was white outside biggrin.gif I will upload the pitiful pictures later, and then all of you will laugh...

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