Cloth diapers - What kind do you use?
Bamamom wrote: Prefolded? AIO? Pocketed? I'm so confused!!!!
Right now I think I'm going to have to use prefolded (cause the others are soooo expensive) but if I can talk DH into it would pocketed be better? What brand do you guys use? Any suggestions on cheap sites? Any other advice about what to buy or not buy?
~*Just Me*~ replied: Prefolds are one of the cheapest ways to go. They are the main component to my stash. I use pockets at night, and when we go out (Fuzzi Bunz), and fold up a prefold to stuff inside. My DD is usually coverless during the day (I just have a pinned prefold on her). But my favorite covers are Bummis Super Snaps.
I love prefolds because they are so versatile; so many different ways to fold them, and they wash easy & dry fast. I would recommend having at least 3 pockets on hand, 6 would be awesome. I would also get 3 dozen prefolds (Infant size), and 4-6 covers (go by weight). Babies grow so fast, you can either keep what's outgrown for future babies, or sell to help pay for the next size up.
Here's some sites with free shipping:
Low shipping:
LilaGrace'sMom replied: Hi!
We use Fuzzi Bunz Pocket diapers. We made an initial investment of around 200.00, but when you cost out much less expensive than paper (not that the $$ is one of my top reasons to use cloth).
Try EBay for great dont have to buy them used which freaks some people out.
I got lucky b/c Fuzzi Bunz was the 2nd diaper we tried and they work great for our DD. Sometimes you need to try many to get the one that works for your baby b/c every child is different.
Try the links the above poster gave you--great information!
Welcome to the wonderful world of cloth! Im glad there is another among us.
3_call_me_mama replied: We use a mix. Also we dont' buy all brand new. and has some trading posts and otehrs that just sell if you're looking ot start cheap. Also feel free ot PM for more help and resources.
Mostly AIO or pockets (fuzzibunz and drybees) LOVe both. AIO's lucy's hopechest are our faves.
I got a starter set from a previous member on here. She got me started and she swears but prefold and wraps or covers. Also wool. (I;m still scared of wool though !!LOL)
I have yet to try fitted and would love feedback if anyone does them
LilaGrace'sMom replied: Thanks for sharing the diaper swapper site! It's awesome. I need to get started buying large FB's for DD.
Bamamom replied: I like the cheaper price of used diapers but I'm a little freaked about putting them on my son. Am I a nut? It's okay - you can tell me. This is my first child and I tend to be nutty about him. Can you sterilize them someway?
Bamamom replied: Has anyone used Kushies AIO? Like them or hate them?
3_call_me_mama replied: Honestly, you are not a nut but i see nothign wrong with buying teh used ones. Most that I have bought are barely used, they look brand new. And i wash them first actually 2-3 times in HOT water. If you've ever bought used baby clothes then you have actuallly already chanced using someone elses pooped on stuff!! Think of what baby clothes go through.... spit up, blowouts, leaky diapers, etc. Just my thought on it. Also some of those sites have people selling never used stuff. Good luck Also ebay often sells new.
coasterqueen replied: GREAT point....I never thought of that.
3_call_me_mama replied: Our first AIO's were Kushies While they are not my favorite tehy work great. never had a leak, or any issues. I dont' care for teh Velcro though (Kathleen just takes them off!) But they are quick easy adn in expensive. Plus you can get them at babies R Us I believe. If they made them with snaps I'd buy more
Bamamom replied: That is a good point. I haven't used second hand clothes yet - he's still wearing stuff the grandma's bought him - but I plan to.
Okay - I think I'm committed to either AIO's or pockets. Any opinions on the best brands and/or best buys?
Anyone looking to get rid of some size smalls of either?
3_call_me_mama replied: Actually we are just starting our small sizes new on eon hte way. we started CD late with Kathleen so only have larges. Pockets: fuzzi bunz with a joey bunz insert seem to work well for little babies. Also how heavy is your DS? casue you may want to go right ot mediums. AIO: try the kushies if you want.. they woudl be good for a young baby (under 1 year). They arent' too pricey. I'd check teh links I gave you befeor and ask some of those moms. They have tried them all
LilaGrace'sMom replied: I have one small pocket (Fuzzi Bunz) and 4 one size AIO's (Little Lambs) 2 of which have never been used. The other 2 were both washed a few times and only one was ever put on DD .
I'd ship all 5 to you,inserts included, for cheap! PM me if youre interested.