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Child ID kits

C&K*s Mommie wrote: If you have one, have you updated it lately??

I am glad that Chris bought some the other day because 1) I had several on file for Christian, but it was outdated from 2003-- all information had changed 2) I never made one for Kellie- like I thought I did. ohmy.gif

In case of an emergency or abduction, you never really know if you will thinking clearly enough to give vital info to the authorities.
JIC: Walmart has the ID kits with the DNA kits for mouth swabs DNA
The kind I had before came in the mail, and you take the fingerprints with it. Hope you are not like me with outdated information. blush.gif

Kaitlin'smom replied: if anyone wants the fingerprint version let me know I can send them out for free (well it only cost a stamp)

mckayleesmom replied: Oooh...I didn't know walmart had them...what section do you find them in?

mom21kid2dogs replied: Our local police dept and county sheriff will do them for free. all you have to do here is call and make an appointment. It's a very good idea if you haven't done it yet! thumb.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: the police dept is a good idea, too. I know they had a child safety fair not too long ago, but we missed it. They had Polly Klaas father here, and that young girl's father that was murdered here in Florida- Carly Brucia's dad.
Brianne, I am totally not sure. I would try up near the registers where they keep all of the random things. Other than that I am not sure where Chris found ours in Walmart. If you go be sure to ask at Cust. Serv., though.

BAC'sMom replied: Thanks Nicole! You have reminded me that I need to go down and have Callum fingerprinted. Lord, I hope he will stay still at the Police Dept. other wise they might have to use the handcuffs! LOL blink.gif

luvmykids replied: We did it at the State Fair last year at the State Police Booth, but how often are you supposed to update them?

C&K*s Mommie replied: Not sure of an exact answer to that, Monica. While they are still growing and changing physically, I would do it annually. But if they have not changed in their height or weight, and they do not have any markings on them (i.e. new scars), or the emergency information has not changed, I would just simply change the picture out. Our girls are changing with each new yr, so I need to make sure I keep them updated annually. But as they get older (like pre-teen to teen), you may only have to switch out the pics for new ones every couple of yrs.

paradisemommy replied:
update photos and record new height and weight measurements every 6 months for younger children and at least yearly after age six

~~*Missi*~~ replied: Hey Nicole
How old do you start that at>? Like obviously i know Sabrina's DNA won't change but won't her finger prints differ????


mom21kid2dogs replied:
We had Olivia's done at safety town last year (she was 4). We were told by the police dept that unless she suffers a hand injury that would impair her fingerface, she's good to go.

jacobsmama replied: great reminder! Jacob is 2 and I haven't done one yet DH and I are doing it this weekend..we bought ours at walmart today after I read your post. wink.gif Thanks

C&K*s Mommie replied: I would start as soon as possible, and keep them updated with the 6mos reccomendation, or if you are bone headed and forgetful like me blush.gif , annually. I began Christian's when she was 10/11mos old. Kellie like I said never had one, although I thought she did. I think though that Kellie is the one with the emergency DNA thing from the hospital. They gave us one that is only to be opened in an emergency like an abduction from what I remember. dunno.gif They told us that, and I did not question it. I put it away in the firesafe box, and have not thought about it until just now.

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