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Can't stop crying

kyrus_smith wrote: bawling.gif On Ask Jeeves I typed in "10 week old fetus" and then images and came to an anti -abortion page where it showed abortions and although it was the most upsetting thing ever ...I cryed so hard -the pictures of the victims it tore my heart to shreds it's so sad.

I'm 9 weeks and 5 days preggers wish me luck -I just wanna have a happy healthy pregnancy -wish mothers to be and pregnant mothers all the luck I could ever wish for for our babies to be safe,healthy and happy and grow up to be succesful in what there ambitions are. wub.gif

ashtonsmama replied: Some of those pictures can be very upsetting, I have seen some when I used to be on myspace...
But try not to worry, and good luck with this pregnancy! I'm sure it'll turn out fine!

punkeemunkee'smom replied: hug.gif I am sorry you saw that! The pics are disturbing to say the very least! bawling.gif

redplaydoh replied: I can't see pics like that... it bothers me too much. I'm sorry you saw those pics but just love your little one even more if that's possible.

Jackie012007 replied: I hate that... there are people who picket outside of a Planned Parenthood a few blocks away from where I live, and they have this huge disgusting billboard that they post when they picket... mind you this is right across the street from a huge apartment complex. No one needs to see those pics, especially children. I respect their stance, but there are more tactful ways to present it... hug.gif sorry you stumbled across that hug.gif

redchief replied: Yep, we should all be forced to see the horrors of war so we stop waging it, but let's just keep those nasty things we cause to happen within our own country hidden and antiseptic... Sounds a little bit hippocratical doesn't it?

Jackie012007 replied:
Tat is not at all what anyone on this thread was saying! That was a pretty crass comment Ed, Kyrus was merely upset because she innocently typed in something looking for u/s pics or whatever and ended up with dismembered babies! I think that is just a little different from what you are accusing her (we who replied?) of. I'm not sure who you are directing your comment at, but do you really want you small children sat down and shown a slideshow of mutilated carcasses in a effort to stop waging war or not have an abortion? We don't even have a say when it comes to war, at least I know I personally didn't, and I don't think that is a necessary means to teach our children that there are other, better ways to deal with pregnancy than termination. I think that was a little harsh to call whomever a hypocrite... I know I wouldn't want my children seeing stuff like that!

As for Kyrus seeing it, well try to be a little sympathetic, she is pregnant (as am I) and we are all very sensitive during pregnancy, especially the risky early stages...therefor it would be upsetting. I don't think this post was meant to turn into a political statement or a debate... she just was upset and needed to vent and some support. I'm not trying to start a heated debate with you or anything, I'm just surprised at the tone of your reply unsure.gif

A&A'smommy replied: hug.gif that is a horrible thing to see!!!

A&A'smommy replied:
I don't think he was accusing anyone of anything!!

Kirstenmumof3 replied: hug.gif I'm sorry you had to come across something like that! I would be upset too! Wishing you that the rest of your pregnanacy is healthy and happy! hug.gif hug.gif

holley79 replied: hug.gif

redchief replied: I'm sorry if I offended anyone. It wasn't my intention. I don't take back what I said, even though the topic starter may have upon those pictures by accident. Before I ever click on a search engine link, I always look at the content and origin of the page. That would have prevented anyone seeing what they did not desire to see. A repeat of the search as explained in the original post did not immediately produce any horrible results. In fact there were nine pictures in all, four of them being banners, none of the links in "images" brought the result described.

Several of the links returned by the web search did bring anti-abortion sites, but they didn't occur until after page two of the links, and there was no doubt from the description of the site and the web address about who they were.

That being said, I think we all, being adults and responsible for what happens in this world, need to cognizant of the evils that go on within it. If we are not, then we have no right to take a stand, one way or another, on any issue. It's kind of like this; You all remember the nursery rhyme of Jack and Jill, going up the hill for a pail of water.... Well do you feel sorry for Jack? Why did Jill fall too? Don't you think we need to know why Jack fell down before we feel sorry for him? Children react to generalities... As adults we tend to try and reduce everything to it's simplest form too, but that does the world no good in the long run. Maybe we do need to feel sorry for Jack, but I want to know if he was doing something bad to Jill, which may have caused Jill to push him away. I would need to know that, as an adult. As a child, it is easier to just feel sorry for both of them because they fell down.

But I am no longer a chld, and neither are any of you. So, again, I am sorry if anyone took offense, but that is the real world talking. I can not simply feel sorry for someone because of the general situation they are in, without knowing how they came to be there.

Bee_Kay replied: Shortly after I found out about my SD pregnancy. I also did a google search about fetal growth.
And I (niavely) also came across those kind of pictures.

To me, I had emotions that were on both sides of the spectrum.

On one hand, I was of course horrified at graphic pictures of an aborted child.....

On the other hand, I was amazed that the sight of formation at such a young developing baby.

Make sense?

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