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Body parts.... - teaching...

Kaitlin'smom wrote: I have been telling Kaitlin her different body parts for a long while well a month or so ago I started really focusing on her learning them, so I just started one at a time. She is doing good when I ask her where her belly, feet and head are and can sometimes get her chest, leg and arm. How detailed are you all getting? So far I am sticking to general areas, and plan on gettin toes, fingers, elbow, knees later. Should she know more of them?

My favorite by far is when I ask her where her belly is and she has the cutes face when she showes me, I will have to try and get a pic and post it.

ediep replied: I have been trying to teach body parts to Jason for months far he only does toes and nose!!

MomToMany replied: I haven't explained to Hannah yet what her elbows and knees are, and have done the same things you have. I don't want her getting too confused, so we just go with the flow and add more as necessary.

She does know what a pee-pee is with Ethan around (they get their baths together to save time and my back). Now she thinks she has one, and I'm not sure what to say to her about that.

Looks like I need help, too!

booey2 replied: Well we started off slow and now thomas knows almost of the them and I catch him with his hand in his diaper and ask what he is doing, he says touching my p*n*s. So he knows almost all his parts. Being the only female in the house I often get asked if I have one too, so I say no I have a v***** then Matthew asks what that is so I tell him I have that instead of what he has. I am just waiting for Thomas to start asking, as it is now if he sees me on the can he asks if he can help wipe, ROFLMAO rolling_smile.gif . Ok too much info gotta run.

coasterqueen replied: Hmm, I think Kylie knows her eyes (she likes to poke mine when pointing to eyes, lol), nose, ears, mouth (not sure about that one), teeth, feet, hands, belly button. I think that's about it.

MommyToAshley replied: We started off with the main parts (like head, arm, belly, and leg) and then got more detailed, unless Ashley asked what something was. I didn't really try to teach them to her, she just kind of picked them up. I also said what part I was washing in the bathtub so maybe that helped.

So far she knows:

head, hair, ears, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, tongue, teeth, cheek, chin, neck, belly, belly button, arms, elbow, hand, fingers, thumb, back, buns emlaugh.gif , leg, knee, feet, and toes.

5littleladies replied: Brianna only knows eyes, ears, nose, and belly button. When she says belly button it comes out-belly butt. lol It's too cute. biggrin.gif

Kirstenmumof3 replied: I've been teaching Claudia the body parts all along. When we get her dressed I say "Lets put your arm in your sleeve." or "lets put your socks on your feet." She knows most of her body parts. With my older 2 children I taught them the proper names for the private parts. But I think it is up to the parents, and if you are not comfortable with that you have to find something that you are comfortable with. thumb.gif

booey2 replied:
I agree with you on that one. My neighbour taught her son that his privates were a coco and my son thought that that was hillarious rolling_smile.gif and didn't understand why his was called the real name and the boys was a coco. We only answer what they ask and don't offer any more details then necessary.

kimberley replied: wub.gif i loved playing the "name the body part" game with the boys. it is funny because i was just thinking about that today and how cute it will be when Jade can show me her parts smile.gif

we did all the basics and did teach the boys the proper name for their part. when they were really little we said pee pee because it was easier for them to say. i didn't teach them the female parts (tho they picked up 'boobs' from their dad rolleyes.gif ) but they learned in school that women have a uterus. i am kinda glad they didn't teach them the other word.... i can just see it now... dinner with the inlaws and that will be the word of the day wacko.gif

Hillbilly Housewife replied: Well we played the song *head, shoulder knees and toes, knees and toes, kness and toes...head shoulder knees and toes, eyesar, ears, mouth and Nose!!* for a few months, and he picked thenm up from the song (you bend down and touch each part as you sing it...) so he knows:

belly button

He also knows them in French. He can say most of them, but he still has trouble with a few. I ususally do it in French, and his sitter is English, so maybe he picked it up quicker beacause we did it in both language

booey2 replied:
We played that game too but not bilingually.

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