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Backed into a car today

CantWait wrote: Well I can't say that as soon as I got to work today, that things started out well. As soon as I walked in I was informed that the videoconferencing system we use was not working. This allows families of deployed soldiers to talk to eachother while they are in Afghanistan. So one wife did not get to talk today.

When I call the internet company, because our iunternet is down on our two family computers (later found out this is the reason the VTC was down), it turns out that the modem was just unplugged. dry.gif

Then one of my co-workers come in like a storm brewing letting off stem to me. Like wtf. growl.gif

Robbie then calls to say that he forgot his lunch in the car, which is brings me to the main reason for my post. blink.gif

As I'm backing out of the parking lot at work I back up into another car. I was looking but honestly did not see her come up behind me. She's got some paint chips off the car, but that's all the damage I could see. I don't know what to do. No matter what this can't go on our inssurance or we'll be paying forever. I have to wait because she's going to talk to her son about it, and then get back to me. I know this is at least partly my fault, but could you please send me some vibes that the damage won't be much bawling.gif bawling.gif bawling.gif

It seems like everytime we get on our feet and start making plans, something happens. I have no idea how or if I'm going to tell Ron about this.

Now I'm work again, and I'm here instead of making hundreds of calls to families because I'm just not in the mood. sad.gif

Thank you if you made it through all this blahblah.gif blahblah.gif

luvmykids replied: I'm so sorry! How much can it cost to have some touch up paint done? Was that lady nice about it?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Not Much Damage Vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


C&K*s Mommie replied: here is to hoping not much damage (if any) will come of this.

Lots of hugs for this awful Monday you are having, hopefully it will get much better when you get home tonight. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

mckayleesmom replied: hug.gif

amynicole21 replied: Uuuugh!! I'm so sorry. Sending "cheap fix" vibes your way. hug.gif

Crystalina replied: OMG, watch out, now she'll have whiplash and need a new car. That happend to me. I backed into a lady because a huge truck was trying to make the turn and he couldn't because I was sitting at the light. I looked back and backed up but that still wasn't enough so I inched back a little more and got the front of her car. She made such a big deal about it because at the time I had my uniform on (I was a corrections officer) and she kept saying, "I can't believe you hit me while your wearing your uniform", like that matters. I damaged a tacky hot pink liscence plate cover and that was all.
About a week later she was screaming that her back hurt and she needed a new paint job (the whole car!). Nothing came of it thank goodness because she made the mistake of telling the officer that she had just had surgery on her back because she's had problems with it. They said it was a pre-existing injury and that was that. I did have to buy her a new liscence plate cover though. wink.gif

3xsthefun replied: hug.gif I hope there is not much damage!

kit_kats_mom replied: That stinks. Can you just go back to bed and start again tomorrow? I hate days like that.

CantWait replied:
Well at first she was like, "didn't you look behind you?", I had said that I had looked and did not see her, and told her that it takes two for an accident, she was right behind me, did she not see me backing up.....if so why did she keep driving, or at least why did she not honk her horn. wacko.gif At first she was like don't worry about it, but then me blahblah.gif blahblah.gif blahblah.gif "Are you sure??" Couldn't I just keep my BIG mouth shut sad.gif

Maddie&EthansMom replied: Marie I"m so sorry. Sometimes we just can't catch a break, can we?? sad.gif I hope she doesn't give you any trouble and settles this in a civilized manner. hug.gif Keep us posted, hun. You are okay aren't you?

holley79 replied: Marie I am so sorry. I hope that tomorrow is better. Hope the repair isn't going to be too much. hug.gif hug.gif hug.gif

Edward's Mommy replied: hug.gif

mummy2girls replied: oh no! Thats is crappy! been there done that 1 year ago..I backed into a car after i dropped jenna of at her daycare. It cost me 600 but that because i broke a headlighta nd put a dent in the car...

CantWait replied:
I'm ok yes, except the fact that my head is killing me from crying so much, and Ron is pissed with me sad.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: hug.gif

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