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BAD NEWS - were not going to Jacksonville

mckayleesmom wrote: Today they cancelled dh's orders and he is in limbo right now. He saw that they were thinking of making him a Dtr recruiter or something like that...its where they recruit doctors and nurses....Which is total bull because if he thought recruiting was hard and stressful will be 10 fold with doctors and nurses...Hes not sure where they are based out of...The other thing they were considering sending him to was Montgomery Georgia......I DON'T THINK SO. No offense, but my hair is already pretty mad at Kentucky humidity. Dh called and talked to someone and they said they cancelled his orders because they discovered they have way to many 79 Romeo's in Jacksonville right now. They said they are in dire need in dh is calling the Sgt Major tomorow to see if he will pull him out there.

PLEASE PRAY FOR US....I don't want to go to Georgia. bawling.gif

My2Beauties replied: P&PT's hug.gif

C&K*s Mommie replied: P&PT's that you will be heading to Miami or something by some water.

~Roo'sMama~ replied: hug.gif hug.gif P&PT's - I hope you get sent someplace you'll love. Florida would be nice if you were close to the beach. smile.gif

luvbug00 replied: Ditto to roo's mom!

luvmykids replied: hug.gif Thats a big fat bummer! P&PT's that you get moved somewhere great!

na81 replied: P&PT's hug.gif Hope you get to move to somewhere that you will enjoy!!

Maddie&EthansMom replied: I'm so sorry, sucks to be at their mercy sometimes. sad.gif I'll be praying that he gets sent to Miami. wink.gif hug.gif

A&A'smommy replied: awww I'm sorry Brianne I hope you get someplace that you will like!! hug.gif

Nina J replied: Prayers that you don't have to go to Georgia hug.gif

b&bsmom replied: P&PTs that everything works out for you hug.gif hug.gif

AlexsPajamaMama replied: Aww after getting your hopes up about something they have to change it!! Hope you dont have to go to Georgia! *~*Miami Miami Miami*~* hug.gif

mom21kid2dogs replied: Here's hoping your husband gets orders you all can live with!!

Sarah&Mackenzie replied: Hoping you get to go where you want!!

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