Ashley's thoughts on construction workers... - LOL
MommyToAshley wrote: I took a break from work to come on here and then check on Ashley who was playing with playdough. She said, "Mom, let's pretend we are construction workers and build a city together". So, I start to build a road and she says, "Mom... we are construction workers, we have to build the place for us to take a break first!"
No offense to anyone in the construction field, but she is probably basing her comments on the workers expanding the stretch of road not too far from us.
Kaitlin'smom replied: sorry but that is funny. I often wonder who so many stand around while so few work.
lisar replied: I work in the construction industury and she is ABSOLUTLEY correct.
MommyToAshley replied: Just a note, I've been fired and replaced by Dad. She didn't like the swingset I made, it's not like the one Daddy makes. So, DH is in there playing with playdough...LOL!
luvmykids replied: I'm not offended, she speaks the truth
holley79 replied:
I use to work construction so I can totally see where she is coming from.
Calimama replied: I do always see them standing around, but then I look the next morning and they are done. I don't even understand HOW that's possible!
kimberley replied: the guys i work with seem to break more than they work lol
MoonMama replied: I'm sorry but that is hilarious!
3xsthefun replied: That is so funny!
A&A'smommy replied: Too funny!!
redchief replied: I worked in a nonunion, family shop... Believe me you worked or you got fired. I always wanted to see what it would be like to get one of those public sector jobs and get paid to learn how to sleep standing up. So why did I take the job wherein I must complete 30 complete building inspections per day?
luvbug00 replied: lars is in survey and they work hard but there are days where he comes home and tells me all the lazying about they do too .( but they wouldn't dare sleep )
lovemy2 replied: It would be funny to know her take on Cops
BTW - its all true - I find a Dunkin Donuts bag in DH's car almost daily However he does get bagels - whole wheat with light cream cheese but they are FREE when he is in uniform - I am addicted to DD coffee and have often thought about keeping one of his uniform shirts in my van