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C&K*s Mommie wrote: party.gif partysmiley.gif forum_balloon.gif HAPPY~~HAPPY~~HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to the both of you!!!!! groupwave.gif party2.gif partying.gif elephant.gif greenapple.gif

((I hope that Cameron is doing well (or better) today wub.gif hug.gif , and that the two of you can celebrate you Anniv tonight candledinner.gif , Or I hope that the three of you just have a great night together as a family, then on some other night the two of you can celebrate together. kisscheek.gif ))

MM'sMama replied: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!

wub.gif redbounce.gif jazzband.gif sunflower.gif horray.gif groupwave.gif kisscheek.gif lovebirds.gif partying.gif smileykiss2.gif smileykiss2.gif cloud9.gif clapsmiley.gif clapsmiley.gif iluvyousmiley.gif candledinner.gif elephant.gif greenapple.gif

3xsthefun replied: Happy Anniversary!! candledinner.gif

My3LilMonkeys replied: forum_balloon.gif Happy Anniversary!

Freckled Momma replied: love2.gif love2.gif HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! love2.gif love2.gif

groupwave.gif groupwave.gif groupwave.gif

Hope Cameron is feeling better and you all had a good night biggrin.gif

sunflower.gif forum_balloon.gif sunflower.gif forum_balloon.gif sunflower.gif forum_balloon.gif sunflower.gif

amymom replied: wub.gif HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wub.gif

kimberley replied: wub.gif Happy Anniversary! hope you have a romantic day/night smile.gif

Insanemomof3 replied: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!! forum_balloon.gif forum_balloon.gif groupwave.gif partying.gif djdance.gif candledinner.gif candledinner.gif bride.gif tux.gif

CantWait replied: smileykiss2.gif HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!! iloveyou.gif

zdk753 replied: user posted image

kayla's mama replied: lovebirds.gif Happy Anniversary kisscheek.gif Hope you guys enjoy your day together

CAMSMOM1 replied: [B]THANK YOU!!!![/B]

Cameron is feeling great, and we're having a great day! We went to church this morning, and it really started off the day well! smile.gif

Our anniversary is actually on the 10th, but we are celebrating early wub.gif We are going to our favorite resturant, and my sister is watching Cameron for us. So it should be a great time! party.gif candledinner.gif smileykiss2.gif


smileykiss2.gif lovebirds.gif kisscheek.gif


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