-35°F! Yes, the TEMP! - No windchill, thank goodness
mommy~to~a~bunch wrote: It's so cold here! There's no wind for a windchill, thank goodness. I think it's too cold for the wond to move! When it's this cold, the house never gets above 65°F, no matter how hig we crank the heat. Ugh, I hate this extreme cold!
Oh, and school isn't closed . It has to be -40°F before that happens.
My3LilMonkeys replied: Wow that's a bit too cold for me! And they didn't close school??? It's around 2 degrees here, with a wind chill of -15 or so and every school around is on a 2 hour delay to wait for it to warm up!
sparkys2boys replied: Yikes.. I hate the cold to. I can't imagine why they dont cancell school though, its the same here too. Stay warm
msoulz replied: Wow, that puts my 0 degrees to shame . . . i shall not complain any longer!!!
luvmykids replied: GEEZ, I can't even wrap my mind around that kind of cold
lisar replied: No way no how would I wanna live there. Its 42 degrees outside here right now and we are all wrapped in jackets freezing. I thought this was cold.
mommy~to~a~bunch replied: Just think, it's 77° warmer where you are, or 77° colder here, LOL.
I'm in northern MN, BTW.
lisar replied: See I am in Florida. For a good reason to. I couldnt deal with that. Even with heat at your place at 65 thats like freezing here. Jacket weather for us is still at 65.
boyohboyohboy replied: me too., i hope you all stay in side today and keep warm!
coasterqueen replied: Ok, I guess I shouldn't complain about our cold today because it's not that cold here. brrrr! I'm so sick of winter.
5littleladies replied: Hang in there Mollie! We have rumors of a whopping 20 above or so in the forecast for the end of the week down here-That must translate for at least 0-10 above for you. It's a heat wave.
That's too bad that they don't close schools for temps like that. I don't think I could send my kids out, even momentarily, in that kind of cold!
amynicole21 replied: I know! We're all complaining about the cold here - it's 64 degrees
mommy~to~a~bunch replied: Yeah, that's a heat wave LOL! I keep thinking of Max in Grumpy Old Men singing ♪♫...We're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave...♪♫ .
At least the school called when the bus driver radioed in when they were about 2 miles from our house. The kids wait in the heated garage.
Kaitlin'smom replied: dang and I thought it was cold here. burrrr I hate cold, cold weather. STAY WARM. we are expecting a snow storm tonight.